Getting a Knowhow session to happen...

50%  planning  +  30%  delivery  +   20%  to  40%  follow up

Although the session may look and feel easy, coordination is required behind the scenes. In fact 50% of the effort that goes into planning, 30% into delivery and depending on what outcomes you want for the session, approximately 20% to 40% goes into the follow up.

50% Planning

Planning can be divided into three tasks: marketing, participant readiness and facilitator readiness


It is important that the way you market a Knowhow session articulates how the session will work. Because it is not a formal learning and development format, participants can get confused about what is expected of them. See the Flyer and Registration Form for more information. The following phrases may help:

  • A facilitated discussion 
  • A knowledge exchange
  • An exploration of views, ideas and experiences
  • A discussion group bringing together those ‘in the know’ with those who have questions
  • A space to talk about key themes 

Other information to include in your marketing:

  • A space on your RSVP for participants to identify if they have questions or knowledge on the topic; this will help in the next planning step. See the Flyer and Registration Form for more information. 
  • Include a contact person who can answer any questions on the Knowhow format to help avoid confusion.

The Knowhow format allows for a targeted marketing approach. Experts, researchers and relevant professionals can be approached individually encouraged by the fact that their profile will be raised. Networks, taskforces and other relevant groups would also be worthwhile targeting. TIP Use a targeted marketing approach particularly if you need to drum up more participants.  

Participant Readiness

It is recommended that each participant be contacted before the session to ensure they are ready to participate on the day. This is also an opportunity to clarify the Knowhow format. Most importantly, these conversations will help establish the themes to be discussed on the day. 

Areas to discuss with participants before a Knowhow include:

  • How a Knowhow works, it is different to formal training TIP Manage expectations and let them know there is no PowerPoint or Trainer imparting their knowledge, the knowledge is in the room.
  • If you have knowledge, what would you like to share and why
  • If you have questions what do you want to know and why TIP You may find that from your discussions you can highlight that the questions they have can be considered knowledge as well. For example I would like to know about engaging fathers because our service has had an influx of fathers as primary carers in the last few years. In that question there is knowledge that their locality is experiencing a demographic change. 
  • If you are confident that the person can articulate their experience / their view will help stimulate conversation on the day, ask them to prepare something informal to say for 3-5minutes. Make sure they know nothing formal is required. TIP You may not actually draw from their experience and alternatively the participant may not present the experience you discussed with them; however what is important is that the participant is mentally prepared to speak up on the day.  

To help determine the discussion themes for the day: 

  • Contact 5 participants who identified they have knowledge on the topic.
  • Document any trends or similarities. These similarities will be the basis of your discussion themes. 
  • Ideally you want about 4-5 themes and 1-2 back up themes. 
  • Organise 2 talking prompts for each theme. 
  • See the Running Sheet for more information.

Facilitator Readiness

The facilitator role is the anchor person on the day and potentially the difference between a good or bad session. Things to think about when working with your facilitator: 

  • Where possible it is recommended that the facilitator be knowledgeable on the topic / be charismatic and engaging. 
  • It is important to keep your facilitator updated on the progress of the participants who will act as discussion prompts. This will give the facilitator time to think about how to ad lib so that the discussion evolves naturally.   
  • Use the experience and knowledge of the facilitator to support group dynamics and generate discussions. They might have an ice breaker exercise they could undertake or video footage to present on the topic to get participants thinking and talking. TIP Check out You Tube for potential video footage.
  • It is important to create a dialogue between the participants and the facilitator, so make sure the facilitator has plenty of opportunities to bring the conversation back to the themes. 
  • Encourage icebreakers, small groups, group activities and other facilitator tools to give the facilitator a clear role on the day. 
  • Create a Running Sheet for the organiser and the facilitator on the themes being discussed, participants who will respond to the themes (prompts) and the facilitator tools being used. This helps to ensure that the loose learning format is delivered in a coordinated way.   

30% Delivery 

The delivery of the day runs according to the Running Sheet. Inevitably, the session will require steering as conversations go over time, debates become heated or as people network during the breaks. Here are some guidelines to help you deliver an effective session: 

  • Run the session for about 5 hours. Too short and the discussions won't generate, too long and it will feel like a talk fest. 
  • Include a short tea break for about 15 minutes 1.5hours into the session and a 30 minute meal break in the second half. This will help participants freshen up, form individual connections, think about what they will say and have discussions about what has happened so far. TIP You will be surprised conversations increase after each break.
  • Have food available on the breaks and beverages available throughout the day, this will support the informality of the learning environment.  TIP Place snacks, fruit and sweets on the table or on chairs.
  • Use the breaks to speak to individuals if a heated debate had to be diffused or someone requires further support.
  • Stick to time as much as possible. If not, negotiate with the group how to continue. For example we have theme x to discuss however we would like to do this group exercise before lunch, what would you prefer?  
  • Let the group know what will happen next. Whatever you decide to do in the following after the session, make sure they know about it before the day ends. 
  • Get their feedback on the day. Even if you go around the room and ask them in a word or a sentence how to describe their experience. It will help participants know they have learnt and gained something throughout the session. 
  • Stay around after the session. Whether it is the organiser or the facilitator make sure someone is available as people leave. Think of the last person to leave the classroom at school. They may have a question, piece of information or concern they want to share privately.  

20% to 40% Follow up  

The follow up helps participants understand what they have learnt. Unlike traditional training methods, there is no manual or model to hand out. Therefore a summary of the day including the themes that were discussed, any conclusions drawn and recommendations, resources or practices shared on the day. This can be done in many ways. 

  • Email participants a summary and a contact person if they wish to discuss further.
  • Create a web based space to share the summary and ask participants to comment. Use a discussion board, Facebook, blog or create web page
  • Create a summary such as a tip sheet, Information Sheet or Q&A. 
  • Create a network, email group or shared communication to continue the conversation. 
  • TIP Combine 1-2 of the follow up methods to get the most out the session. 

What is important is that some sort of follow up occurs. The informal nature of Knowhow can be mistaken for people sitting in a room just talking. The follow up and summary of the session cements the learning and gives participants something to show and remember.  


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